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  题目:Investigating Alloying Effect on Dislocation Mechanisms with in situ and Multi-dimensional Characterizations




  摘要:Mechanical properties of materials are highly related to dislocations structure and how they move in lattice. Alloying elements can significantly influence mechanical properties by tuning dislocation structure or behaviors. Solid solution strengthening mechanisms describes how the elastic interaction of dislocation and solute contributes to strength. However, alloying elements can make even stronger impact on mechanical properties beyond the random solid solution concepts. For example, alloying elements can strongly modify the dislocation core structure, resulting in abnormal increase of activation energy for dislocation motion; and the variations of local arrangement of alloying elements in concentrated solutions can also strongly tune dislocation behaviors through generating abnormal fluctuations of lattice friction. The broad field of electron microscopy (EM) instrumentation development holds great promise for addressing these problems due to its abilities to reach inherently high spatial resolution, to apply precise external fields, to visualize the behaviors of defects and to perform accurate measurements of the corresponding responses simultaneously. We applied multi-scale structure characterization, including high angle annular dark field scanning transmission EM (HAADF-STEM) and 3-dimentional dislocation tomography, and quantitative in situ TEM mechanical testing to investigate the correlations between the structural features such as atoms arrangement, dislocations and the mechanical properties in advanced alloys including Ti alloys1, Ni-based super alloy2, steels3 and high entropy alloys4-6. In this talk, we specifically focus on two subjects: 1) the intrinsic oxygen strengthening effect in titanium and 2) the dislocation mechanisms in high entropy alloys. By collaborating with theorists, we provide direct information as to the pathway by which the microstructure evolves and how the materials response to those dislocation activities, providing valuable information for the study of mechanical properties of advanced metals.

  主讲人简介:余博士本科毕业于西安交通大学,2012年于美国加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位。2014年获选国家高层次海外人才青年项目回国加入浙江大学电镜中心工作。一直以来致力于运用和发展多尺度、三维微结构表征,以及原位电子显微镜下的材料结构和性能表征,研究结构金属材料中的缺陷结构、缺陷运动和材料力学性能的关联性。发表论文40余篇,其中第一作者、通讯作者文章40篇,其中包括《Nature》两篇、《Science》一篇、《Nature Communications》五篇、《Acta》等,多篇获ESI高被引论文。 2019年获得浙江省优秀研究生课程奖、中国十大新锐科技人物,2017年获得国家自然科学二等奖(第四完成人)、教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖一等奖(第四完成人),2016年获得香港求是基金会求是杰出青年学者奖。现主持国家基金委面上项目两项,骨干参与科技部青年973计划一项,国家重点研发计划纳米科技重点专项一项等。在重大国际会议(MRS,TMS 等)做学术邀请报告30余次,担任Materials Characterization期刊副主编,中国青年科技工作者协会会员,并多次担任了美国材料研究学会年会MRS、TMS 分会以及Nature Conference on Electron Microscope for Materials组办工作。





  时间:2020年6月21日下午16:00 – 17:00




主讲人简介:谷林,中国科学院物理研究所研究员,从事电子显微学方法研究近20年。2002年清华大学本科毕业,启蒙于我国电子显微学专家朱静院士。2005年获得美国亚利桑那州立大学博士学位。之后先后在德国马普金属所以及日本东北大学从事博士后研究工作。近年来在功能材料原子尺度结构与电子结构研究方面取得系列成果。发表论文600余篇,其中包括Science及Nature正刊12篇,子刊60余篇,他引32000余次。获得国际电子显微学联合会青年科学家奖(2006) ;国际锂电池学会青年科学家奖(2012);中国科学院“卢嘉锡”青年人才奖(2013);中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(2013);中国晶体学会青年科技奖(2018),入选科睿唯安材料科学领域(2018-2019)和化学领域(2019)全球高引科学家。








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