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张宏,女,工程师,兰州大学电镜中心球差矫正透射电镜主管。2011年于兰州大学物理学院材料物理专业获学士学位,2016年于兰州大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业获博士学位,师从彭勇教授。2013年于英国Sheffield大学工程材料和电子与电器工程系做访问学生。2015年-2017年于美国阿贡国家实验室电镜中心ANL- EMC做联合培养博士生,师从Dean J. Miller和文建国。2017年11月起至今在兰州大学物理科学与技术学院工作,管理电镜中心球差矫正透射电镜FEI Probe Corrected Titan Cubed Themis G2 60-300 S/TEM,包括单色仪、Gatan K2 in situ高速相机、洛伦兹、电子全息、Super X能谱仪、EELS、EFTEM和加热、冷冻、电、热、力和气体原位样品杆。
          目前主要研究方向包括功能材料原子尺度结构与电子结构、电镜原位科研仪器的研发与应用、纳米焊接技术开发及焊接机理研究。在Sn-Ag、Sn-Pb、Sn-Au和Sn-Cu系纳米线焊料合金的制备与纳米焊接性质的研究相关领域发表论文10余篇,发明专利5篇。代表性工作Sn-3.5Ag一维纳米焊料(Nanotechnology, 2014, 25(42))被英国皇家物理学会属nanotechweb.org网站报道,并有超过十家媒体转载了这一报道。另一工作(J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 5389-5397)关于一维纳米焊料相变的研究作为封面文章并得到了编辑的高度评价,以“Fighting crime with covert nanowires”为题在英国皇家化学会化学世界网站(Chemistry world)上进行专题报道。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,参与4项。


Biography of Hong Zhang from Lanzhou University in China
        Hong Zhang is an Engineer and in charge of FEI Probe Corrected Titan Cubed Themis G2 60-300 S/TEM of the Electron Microscopy Center at Lanzhou University. She received her B.S. in Materials Physics in 2011 and Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics in 2016, both from Lanzhou University. As a visiting scholar from 2015 to 2017, her research at the Electron Microscopy Center of Argonne National Laboratory focuses on the characterization of complex electronic oxides including high-temperature superconductors, magnetic oxides, and advanced battery materials with a particular emphasis on characterization by electron beam methods.
      She joined the school of Physical Science and Technology at Lanzhou University in 2017, in charge of FEI Probe Corrected Titan Themis G2 60-300 S/TEM including Monochromator, K2 IS DDC, Lorentz, Holography, Super X EDX, EELS, EFTEM and multiple in situ TEM holders. Now her research interests focus on development and application of spherical aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy techniques to solve materials problems in catalysts, battery materials, photovoltaic films, and ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and superconducting oxide films etc. Another major research interest is nano-solder materials and nano welding techniques.

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